0132 – Support Coordination

Support Coordination is a service that the NDIS funds to help people to manage, and get the best out of, their NDIS plans. In order for you to make the best use of your NDIS plan, we will:

  • Support you to understand your NDIS plan – what you can and can’t use your funding for
  • Assist you to access and use the NDIS Participant Portal
  • Help you explore options to connect with services and supports
  • Assist you to set up and understand service agreements with your providers
  • Provide guidance around actioning and implementing strategies to work towards your NDIS plan goals
  • Help you monitor progress on your goals and manage changes over the course of your plan
  • Support you to access community and mainstreams supports that you want to engage in
  • Work with you to strengthen your support networks
  • Assist you to prepare for your NDIS Plan Reviews
  • Provide support so you can exercise choice and control.

We work with people located in Geelong, Ballarat, Melton, Western and northern Suburbs of Melbourne (and in between), face-to-face and online.

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